Project: The regulation and role of Plk4 in centriole duplication
My lab has a longstanding collaboration (since 2008) with the lab of Dr. Greg Rogers at the University of Arizona. We aim to understand how centrioles duplicate, focusing on the all mighty kinase – Plk4.
Relevant Publications
4. Two Polo-like kinase 4 binding domains in Asterless perform distinct roles in regulating kinase stability. J Cell Biol. 2015 Feb 16;208(4):401-14.
Klebba JE, Galletta BJ, Nye J, Plevock KM, Buster DW, Hollingsworth NA, Slep KC, Rusan NM, Rogers GC.
3. Autoinhibition and relief mechanism for Polo-like kinase 4. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2015 Feb 17;112(7)
Klebba JE, Buster DW, McLamarrah TA, Rusan NM, Rogers GC.
2. Polo-like kinase 4 autodestructs by generating its Slimb-binding phosphodegron. Curr Biol. 2013 Nov 18;23(22):2255-61.
Klebba JE, Buster DW, Nguyen AL, Swatkoski S, Gucek M, Rusan NM, Rogers GC.
1. The SCF Slimb ubiquitin ligaseregulates Plk4/Sak levels to block centriole reduplication. J Cell Biol. 2009 Jan 26;184(2):225-39.
Rogers GC, Rusan NM, Roberts DM, Peifer M, Rogers SL.
– See all Rusan + Rogers publications

Project: Biochemical and structural analysis of centrosome proteins
My lab and the lab of Dr. Kevin Slep at UNC-Chapel Hill aim to bring together the worlds of Cell Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry and Crystallography. To facilitate this, we have taken advantage of the NIH Graduate Partnership Program to offer graduate students the opportunity to train in both labs by spending 50% of their time in each institute.
Currently we have one GGP Student (Karen Plevock) and we are actively looking to a second.